

At this moment in time I am really enjoying life, my life has new meaning and purpose things are very positive for me that is down to the work I have done with Neil I can honestly say that without it I would have ended my own life


"HeadGym is a much-needed service in our area; it enables people to access mental health services easier and quicker to improve emotional wellbeing. Attending the service can improves quality of life in general and provides better early experiences for children whose parents have received help. Neil Ordish is always responsive and willing to help; he has flexible approach when working with both service users and professional building good relationships. Feedback from adults that I have referred so far has been positive and life changing for them as they learn to manage their own anxieties. It is comforting to know that we are privileged to have this service to refer to"


"I can't even begin to capture in words how vital HeadGym is to the people in Redditch - not only for the Redditch Community but also for staff at the Borough Council. It is highly innovative and centres on the person and for me most importantly helps empower people to help themselves. At the Borough Council we very much believe in the philosophy of prevention is better than cure and that our services are built around what the client wants and not what we think they need - this is HeadGym in a nutshell. Not only do we need to make sure we don't lose HeadGym, but we need to roll this out far wider."


"This support has changed the lives of people; it is not a sticking plaster; it empowers people who are low in self-esteem and who have no direction in their lives, to choose their own path and go for it!"


Everlead Theme.

457 BigBlue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579